Ried & Aster Pack
American Red Wolf
After raising three rambunctious boys, Ried and Aster are patient parents and quite the Red Wolf power couple.
Meet Our Pack
A dainty, alert female, Aster made up her mind quickly about her future mate, Ried. In an effort to offer Aster the choice of a mate, something that would occur naturally in the wild, the EWC introduced her to both Ried and his brother, RJ. After closely observing them in 2020, keepers realized that Aster had chosen Ried, and the next spring, Aster began spending more and more time in her den – a telling sign of pregnancy.
By May 17, 2021 Ried and Aster were parents to three boys, who have now gone on to new homes within the SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) Red Wolf program to have the chance to begin families of their own.
See the Red Wolf pups venture outside the den
Why Red Wolves need your support
This rare species is critically endangered. Currently, there are fewer than 20 known Red Wolves left in the wild, occupying less than 1% of their original range. Red Wolves can now only be found in a small area in Eastern North Carolina. As the only large carnivore that is solely endemic to the United States, (meaning they cannot be found anywhere else in the world) they are truly a national treasure. But most people don’t even know this American icon even exists, let alone that it is on the brink of extinction. That is why your adoption of our Red Wolf pack is so important; your support is vital in our work to save this species and spread awareness about this beautiful wolf.
Your symbolic adoption of this pack of American red wolves will support their care and help us continue to work towards a world where endangered wolves thrive in their native habitats and are recognized for their vital roles as leading members of a healthy ecosystem.