Symbolically Adopt an Arctic Fox Family

Symbolic Adoption Packages That Support Endangered Animals

These symbolic adoption packages can be shipped anywhere in the contingent U.S. Please note that Adopt-A-Wolf Packages are separate from memberships. Interested in becoming a member? Join our pack!

Adopt-A-Wolf Plus - $115

  • Certificate of adoption
  • Animal biography and photo
  • Species fact card
  • Plush of your wolf or fox

Adopt-A-Wolf Classic - $65

  • Certificate of adoption
  • Animal biography and photo
  • Species fact card

Adopt-A-Wolf Digital - $35

  • Emailed certificate of adoption
  • Emailed animal biography and photo
  • Emailed digital species fact card
  • Emailed video of the species

Adopt-A-Wolf Plus Sample Package

Looking for a unique gift idea? Symbolic adoptions make wonderful gifts for the animal lover in your life. Each package includes special keepsakes, that help you get to know your adopted animal.

Adopt-A-Wolf Classic Sample Package

Our classic symbolic wolf adoption package helps you learn about one of our animals and how they’re making a difference for their species.

Adopt-A-Wolf Digital Sample Package

Go green with a digital symbolic wolf adoption! Our Adopt-A-Wolf Digital package includes all of the perks of our other packages (plus an adorable video of your adopted species) delivered right to your inbox.